Pulkit Samrat and Kriti Kharbanda tied the knot in a stunning ceremony on Friday, embarking on their happily ever after as husband and wife. Returning to their Delhi home, the joyous couple was captured dancing their hearts out to the dhol beats during the griha pravesh ceremony [ritual welcoming the bride to her new home].
Taking to Instagram, they shared snippets of their special day, showcasing Kriti's dazzling pink lehenga and Pulkit's sophisticated mint green sherwani. Poignant moments included Kriti's sweet kiss on Pulkit's forehead and him adorning her with the mangalsutra [sacred necklace signifying marriage].
A deluge of well wishes poured in from friends and fans, with fellow actors like Ananya Panday, Kriti Sanon (note correct spelling), Akansha Ranjan Kapoor, Richa Chadha, and many more showering them with love.
The wedding buzz had been building since Valentine's Day, when the couple's romantic social media posts sparked speculation of a March wedding. Their love story, blossoming both on and off-screen, has captivated fans ever since they shared the screen in films like Veerey Ki Wedding and Taish.